"The roads we took, the dead ends that we hit and the breakthoughs that we had. All of those things," said Hall. "It sort of came together in my head to make me realize what it was that defines my music. It's really a rare thing. It was an eye-opener...an ear-opener, really."
Daryl Hall
Hall & Oates |
News & Reviews
The Sound of Music
News Hound Unleashed
December 10, 2012
At Large: Ted recommends a good beach read
by Ted Taylor
Montgomery Media
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Keeping Score: Recap of the week; kudos to author-editor
For The Times Herald
Ambler Theatre Hosts "Dancing In My Underwear" Book Release Party With Performance by Dan May
The historic Ambler Theater will be the site of a book release party for local author Mike Morsch's new book "Dancing in My Underwear: The Soundtrack of My Life" on June 12, 2012 from 7pm to 9pm. The event will be free to the public.
From 'Dancing in His Underwear' to the Ambler Theater stage
Mary Cantell
MontgomeryNews.com, Tuesday, May 29, 2012